Samperi Peach Pie That Saves the Day

A pie with Samperi Organic Peach Extra Jam


I bet all mums know that Sunday afternoon feeling of panic when you suddenly remember that tomorrow is Monday and you’ve run out of snacks for school and your kids’ afternoon activities. I solve the problem in one hour’s time, mixing some ingredients and opening a jar of Samperi Organic Peach Extra Jam.

Here’s what I take:
250g flour
100g softened butter
100g sugar
1 egg
½ tsp baking powder
1 jar of Samperi Organic Peach Extra Jam

Here’s what I do:
Mix the flour with sugar and egg.
Add the baking powder and butter and stir until I have a soft pastry, then form a ball with my hands.
Wrap the pastry in cling film and put it away in the fridge for 10 mins. In the meantime, heat the oven to 180C.
Cut the pastry in 2 pieces, approx. 2/3  and 1/3.
Roll out the bigger piece on a baking tray lined with baking parchment.
Spread the jam over the pastry, leaving the border clear.
Roll out the smaller piece of pastry on a chopping board, cut it in thin stripes and weave lattice top.
Bake for about 25 mins.

Here’s a delicious snack for my children … and a wonderful teatime treat for their mum! 😉

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